Farm to Fork
- Our dairy's procurement system is farmer-centric.
- Fresh milk is procured from farmers in different villages.
- Village Level Collection Centers (VLCC) are set up to collect milk from them.
- Computerised milk scanners are used to check the Fat and SNF levels of the milk.
- After the quality check, the milk is transported to the Bulk Milk Coolers (BMCs).
- Milk is cooled at 4°C in the BMCs. BMCs are facilitated to test the incoming milk for bacteriological qualities.
- Chilled milk from here is taken in insulated milk tankers to the factory.
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- Milk undergoes further processing in the factory for standardisation of Fat levels and SNF levels.
- It is then pasteurised to keep the milk free of pathogenic micro-organisms.
- Our factory is ISO 22000: 2005 certified, with a 4 lakh litres per day processing capacity.
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Quality Testing
- First level quality check of the milk is done at the VLCCs with the milk scanners.
- Second level checking is done in the BMCs.
- Finished products are tested for specified quality parameters as per our internal standardised sampling plan and test procedures.
- Test results are recorded and further reviewed by our Quality Assurance Department.
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Distribution & Marketing
- After the production, the fresh and chilled dairy products are stored at 4°C and a cold chain is maintained in the distribution system.
- Our dairy products are made available to the local and international markets.
- A well-organised supply chain makes sure our products reach the end consumers with high standards of quality.
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